Sunday, May 2, 2010

What's in my fridge??

It's been a whole month since I've updated my blog, so to kick things off and start fresh, I'll do a special post called "What's in my fridge" (an idea I got from my favorite magazine, VegNews.) So here it is!

Some highlights and must-haves that I cannot choose not to live without:

1. Almond milk
2. Sriracha hot sauce
3. Vegenaise
4. Nathan's kosher dill pickles
5. Daiya non-dairy cheese in mozzarella and cheddar
6. Dilly beans purchased at local farmers market (next to them is a container of fresh guacamole I made and Tacupeto salsa)
7. A plethra of dairy alternatives: Earth Balance vegan butter, Silk soy yogurt (with probiotics), Follow Your Heart vegan cream-cheese, Tofutti vegan sour cream, and We Can't Say It's Cheese vegan nacho cheese.
8. Selection of beers including Rogue Hazelnut Brown, Old Chub, and PBR.
9. Blue Sky organic cola
10. Fresh pineapple that I cut up and put in containers last night
11. Mock meats: Smart Deli pepperonis for pizza, Tofurkey Hickory Smoked sandwich slices, and Tofurkey beer brats.
12. Organic tomatoes and strawberries
13. Produce drawer: Rainbow chard, green leaf lettuce, baby bella mushrooms, onions, shallots, red and green peppers, green beans, etc.
14. Mingus was curious and wanted to see what's up.

I love a well-stocked kitchen because it gives me inspiration for meals and prevents me from eating out too much. Lots of great vegan products keep me and my omnivorous boyfriend happy (for about a week until it's time to go shopping again. :)

I also wanted to put extra emphasis on this amazing new product I just bought for the first time: We Can't Say It's Cheese non-dairy cheesy spread.

I had read about this product a couple months ago in VegNews Magazine, but hadn't seen it in the store until now. It's vegan, soy and wheat free, and made with all natural ingredients. I am in love with this creamy, tasty, cheesy stuff! Last night I used it as a dip last night alongside guacamole and salsa.. SO good.


  1. Omnivore? Is there anything that Chris doesn't have in common with Grizzly Bears?

  2. I looooove We Can't it's Say Cheese!
